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Martin Luther High School
21st Annual Spartan Golf Open


Martin Luther High School would like to invite you to the 21st Annual Spartan Golf Open on Monday, September 23, 2019 and returns to Tuckaway Country Club in Franklin. Proceeds from the SGO will go toward purchasing a Four Passenger Golf Cart to benefit fans that may need assistance getting to our various outdoor athletic events.

The SGO welcomes golfers of all skill levels, and it is going to be an awesome day!  There will be plenty to eat and drink!  Games and prizes are planned throughout the day and there will also be a silent and live auction, as well as raffles.

Over the years, Martin Luther has had a rich tradition of fellowship and support with their annual Golf Outing that made it a truly special event in the Spartan community.  Please consider helping us to restore and continue the amazing tradition in support of the students and families associated with Martin Luther High School.  We would love to have you join us for an amazing day with great golf, food and fellowship!