1982 - A Knight for Kids
Jerry Beyersdorff✞ (MLHS 1956)
1983 - A Night for Kids Goes Carribbean
Jerry Beyersdorff✞ (MLHS 1956)
1984 - A Night for Kids Presents the Wonderful World of Wheels
Janet Funk✞ (MLHS 1960)
1985 - Up, Up & Away...A Night for Kids
Marion Heinz (MLHS 1960)
1986 - A Night for Kids in Grande Milwaukee
Judy Schumacher
1987 - Hats Off to the 20's...A Night for Kids
Karen Ertl
1988 - The Greatest Show on Earth...A Night for Kids
Nancy Wellhoefer
1989 - A Night for Kids...Goes to the Movies
Debra Bultman (MLHS 1977)
1990 - A Night for Kids...Goes on Safari
Susan Kaucic (MLHS 1975)
1991 - Enchantment Under the Sea...A Night for Kids
Allene Friede (MLHS 1960)
1992 - A Night for Kids...Goes Hawaiian
Cheryl Prochnow✞ (MLHS 1970)
1993 - A Night for Kids in Italy
Dick Beilke and Elmer Clason✞
1994 - A Night for Kids Visit La Tierra Del Sol
Nancy Schreib (MLHS 1960)
1995 - A Night for Kids...It's Raining Cats and Dogs
Nancy Schreib (MLHS 1960)
1996 - A Night for Kids...Goes to a Country Western Roundup
Pat Riedelbach✞ (MLHS 1959)
1997 - A Night for Kids...Rocks Around the Clock
Jim and Linda Lavold
1998 - A Night for Kids...Goes on a Rain Forest Adventure
Ron and Bea Maassen
Craig and Debbie Schmidt (MLHS 1976)
1999 - A Night for Kids...Goes to Wall Street
Michael (MLHS 1962) and Jean (MLHS 1967) Brainerd
2000 - Top Secret Agents for Kids
Dale (ML 1975) and Michelle Van Dam
2001 - A Night for Kids Rides the Rails
Harriet Pedersen (MLHS 1970)
2002 - A Night for Kids...Go for the Gold
Jay and Kim Mason
2003 - A Night Kids...Travels to Deutschland
Paul (MLHS 1972) and Linda (MLHS 1973) Haut
2004 - A Night for Kids...For a Sporting Good Time
Jerry (LHS 1948) and Florence✞ Schoenfeldt
2005 - A Night for Kids...Celebrates Music
John and Sue Jaeckel (MLHS 1965)
2006 - A Night for Kids Goes to a Masquerade Ball
Tom (MLHS 1979) and Shelley Schoewe
Tim (MLHS 1973) and Beth Young Eagle
2007 - A Night for Kids...Goes to the Derby
Tom (MLHS 1979) and Shelley Schoewe
Tim (MLHS 1973) and Beth Young Eagle
2008 - A Night for Kids in Paradise
Mike and Susan Taylor
2009 - A Night for Kids...Celebrates America!
Fred and Darlene Anderson
2010 - A Night for Kids Walks the Red Carpet
Ward and Cheryl Alles (MLHS 1985)
2011 - A Night for Kids in Casablanca
Dave and Mary (ML 1982) Naber
Tim (ML 1972) and Debra Schneider
2012 - A Night for Kids is Cooler By the Lake
Todd and Kristin Simons
Doug and Lora Krystowiak
2013 - IMPACT
2014 - UNLEASH
2015 - SHINE
2016 - A Night for Fulfilling Dreams
2017 - Celebration
2018 - Superheroes Unite
2019 - Counting On You
2020 - Love Transforms
2021 - 40 and Fabulous!
2022 - All Hands on Deck
2023 - Lights, Camera...Auction!
2024 - ONE - 1 God, 1 Vision, 1 Family