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The first dinner auction for our Lutheran high schools in Milwaukee was held in the Spring of 1982.  It was originally sponsored by the Red Knight Boosters Club (RKBC) of Milwaukee Lutheran High School.  Proceeds were designated to offset expenses for the athletic program and general operating expenses for Milwaukee Lutheran and Martin Luther High Schools.

The following year the dinner auction became an element of the development program for our schools and was conducted as a joint venture of the development office and the RKBC.  Some of the new organizational strategies for the dinner auction resulted in increased benefits for the traditional RKBC Sunday Auction which was held in the gymnasium of Milwaukee Lutheran High School.

After several years of combined efforts, a decision was made to separate the two auctions.  The Red Knight Boosters had their Sunday Auction on behalf of the Milwaukee Lutheran athletic program, while the proceeds of the Association Dinner Auction support the operations of our high schools and serve to reduce the tuition for all students.  More than $1.5 million has been raised during the past 28 years with all profits directly benefiting all students at our high schools.

The theme, "A Night for Kids" grew out of the original "A Knight for Kids" which was tied to the Milwaukee Lutheran mascot, the Red Knight.  After the first year, the theme was expanded to provide color and variety to the program.  While a good deal of effort comes from the development office staff, the main volunteer force is comprised of students, parents, alumni, and friends of all three high schools.  General direction for the dinner auction was provided by a chairperson from among our loyal constituents.  The chairperson assisted by a host of volunteers and the development staff.

We are deeply indebted to all who have served over the years.  The year, theme, and name of the chairpersons are listed below.   

1982 - A Knight for Kids
Jerry Beyersdorff✞ (MLHS 1956)

1983 - A Night for Kids Goes Carribbean
Jerry Beyersdorff✞ (MLHS 1956)

1984 - A Night for Kids Presents the Wonderful World of Wheels
Janet Funk✞ (MLHS 1960)

1985 - Up, Up & Away...A Night for Kids
Marion Heinz (MLHS 1960)

1986 - A Night for Kids in Grande Milwaukee
Judy Schumacher

1987 - Hats Off to the 20's...A Night for Kids
Karen Ertl

1988 - The Greatest Show on Earth...A Night for Kids
Nancy Wellhoefer

1989 - A Night for Kids...Goes to the Movies
Debra Bultman (MLHS 1977)

1990 - A Night for Kids...Goes on Safari
Susan Kaucic (MLHS 1975)

1991 - Enchantment Under the Sea...A Night for Kids
Allene Friede (MLHS 1960)

1992 - A Night for Kids...Goes Hawaiian
Cheryl Prochnow✞ (MLHS 1970)

1993 - A Night for Kids in Italy
Dick Beilke and Elmer Clason

1994 - A Night for Kids Visit La Tierra Del Sol
Nancy Schreib (MLHS 1960)

1995 - A Night for Kids...It's Raining Cats and Dogs
Nancy Schreib (MLHS 1960)

1996 - A Night for Kids...Goes to a Country Western Roundup
Pat Riedelbach✞ (MLHS 1959)

1997 - A Night for Kids...Rocks Around the Clock
Jim and Linda Lavold

1998 - A Night for Kids...Goes on a Rain Forest Adventure
Ron and Bea Maassen
Craig and Debbie Schmidt (MLHS 1976)

1999 - A Night for Kids...Goes to Wall Street
Michael (MLHS 1962) and Jean (MLHS 1967) Brainerd

2000 - Top Secret Agents for Kids
Dale (ML 1975) and Michelle Van Dam

2001 - A Night for Kids Rides the Rails
Harriet Pedersen (MLHS 1970)

2002 - A Night for Kids...Go for the Gold
Jay and Kim Mason

2003 - A Night Kids...Travels to Deutschland
Paul (MLHS 1972) and Linda (MLHS 1973) Haut

2004 - A Night for Kids...For a Sporting Good Time
Jerry (LHS 1948) and Florence✞ Schoenfeldt

2005 - A Night for Kids...Celebrates Music
John and Sue Jaeckel (MLHS 1965)

2006 - A Night for Kids Goes to a Masquerade Ball
Tom (MLHS 1979) and Shelley Schoewe
Tim (MLHS 1973) and Beth Young Eagle

2007 - A Night for Kids...Goes to the Derby
Tom (MLHS 1979) and Shelley Schoewe
Tim (MLHS 1973) and Beth Young Eagle

2008 - A Night for Kids in Paradise
Mike and Susan Taylor

2009 - A Night for Kids...Celebrates America!
Fred and Darlene Anderson

2010 - A Night for Kids Walks the Red Carpet
Ward and Cheryl Alles (MLHS 1985)

2011 - A Night for Kids in Casablanca
Dave and Mary (ML 1982) Naber
Tim (ML 1972) and Debra Schneider

2012 - A Night for Kids is Cooler By the Lake
Todd and Kristin Simons
Doug and Lora Krystowiak

2013 - IMPACT

2014 - UNLEASH

2015 - SHINE

2016 - A Night for Fulfilling Dreams

Our 2016 Sponsors

  • Core Creative
  • Catalyst Contruction
  • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nelson
  • Lemberg Electric
  • Mr. Jesse Rink
  • Mr. and Mrs. Cole Braun
  • Mr. Jesse Rink
  • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buikema
  • Cultivate Communications
  • Heritage Quality Printing
  • Tool-Rite, Inc.